We do for others because we don't know how to do for ourselves. We do for others because we feel it is the only way to make up for the damage we feel our craziness is doing to society. We do for others because it makes us feel good when nothing else in the whole world does, not even pills. We stay quiet and sit in the corner because others seem so much more needy. We require so little, you and I. A fact which does not sit well with others who would label us as too much to handle. When in truth, all those such as us really need is a bit of understanding, a bit of reciprocation, maybe a touch on the cheek once in a while and a sly wink. The rest of the world is needy. I'd rather be crazy. ~~Aimee

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Can You See Me Now

To all of those who have "poked" me over the last few days, I so appreciate it. My husband left last Saturday for his trip and since then I have just been "being". Don't ask me what that means because honestly I don't even know. All I know is that I needed some time to breathe so that is what I have been doing. I love you guys and miss you. I have been reading your blogs although in a more stalkerly fashion. I just feel without words at the moment and so I am going with that feeling. 

But I am here, lurking in the shadows. I am certain my words will return. I mean hello I am bipolar so it is inevitable at some point the verbal diarrhea returns but until then am just enjoying the constipation.


Vinny C said...

I hear you. We all feel like that sometimes.

Haven said...

::laughs:: I do see what you mean now =) Well take time for you. Look forward to you being 'back' when the time is right for you.

Anonymous said...

scatological analogy aside...I go through this when I travel for work. I can relate to your weirdness.

hope to see you soon...very soon

Maasiyat said...

Vinny, thanks sometimes I forget that what I feel is "normal"

Haven, that might be sooner than I had expected thanks to you and your Greek cooking

Lance, I am off to find a dictionary to figure out what "sctawhatever" means...

Sapphire Dragonflies said...

Well, we've already had this conversation today. So, I won't say anything new. Just wanted to let you know I was here.

Love you big,


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