We do for others because we don't know how to do for ourselves. We do for others because we feel it is the only way to make up for the damage we feel our craziness is doing to society. We do for others because it makes us feel good when nothing else in the whole world does, not even pills. We stay quiet and sit in the corner because others seem so much more needy. We require so little, you and I. A fact which does not sit well with others who would label us as too much to handle. When in truth, all those such as us really need is a bit of understanding, a bit of reciprocation, maybe a touch on the cheek once in a while and a sly wink. The rest of the world is needy. I'd rather be crazy. ~~Aimee

Sunday 13 March 2011

Understanding the Bipolar Brain

Bipolar disorder involves periods of elevated or irritable mood (mania), alternating with periods of depression. The "mood swings" between mania and depression can be very abrupt.

Bipolar is a lifelong disease. It has no cure. However there is hope. It can be managed. I had to walk through alot of darkness before I realized that. I hope to share my experiences with others so that maybe someone will learn from my mistakes and not have to make them or maybe help a loved one gain some better understanding.

Even though it seems like the end of the world, it isn't. Just hold on. Keep walking. You're almost there.

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