The whirling, twirling, spinning vortex will spin into nothingness
The rumbling, moving earth will break into a tiny pebbleThe ocean wet with life will become little more than a trickle
Any moment now....
The abyss will close and the inky blackness of its cloak will wrap tightly around me
The raging turbulence will become a lullaby soothing the crying infant
The roaring thunder will be silenced
too afraid to speak
too afraid to break the nothingness of what surrounds him
too afraid of shattering the protective arc that has covered its roar
Any moment now...
So in the abyss I wait
Wait for that moment
Unknowing when it will come but certain of its coming
Unknowing if it will be this one or that
Watching, waiting, patiently silent
As each moment passes by
Smiles and gently cradles me
Helping to ease that which is growing
Helping to calm the savage beast
Helping to silence the raging fire
Any moment now....
Life will begin
1 comment:
It will come. It will come. ♥
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